and Pictures SWiRL India: drawings by Indian children from Catherine Public
School in Visakhapatnam, India, with accompanying stories written by young
people from Carranballac P-9 College, Melbourne, Australia.
This post is drawn from one of three books, published 2016, Melbourne, Australia.
photographs in this book are taken from Catherine Public School in Visakhapatnam,
India. The project was supported by the school principal Oliver Rayi, his staff
and students.
is a joint project of the College of Education, Victoria University, Catherine
Public School and Carranballac P-9 College, Melbourne, Australia.
following Victoria University preservice teachers also assisted in the project;
Hannah Wilson, Sarah Sullivan, Ravneet Mundi, Louise Johnson and Sonia Lopez.
The Words
and Pictures SWiRL India project was facilitated by Associate Professor Marcelle
Cacciattolo, Lawry Mahon and Dr Vijay Thalathoti.
layout and design by Sarah Sullivan.
project was supported by Ursula Mooney and the Centenary Program at Victoria
The SWiRL India study tour was funded by the Australian
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through their New Colombo
Mobility Program